Let's get the conversation started with a few questions.  Feel free to answer any question or ask your own.  

1. What interdisciplinary interventions have you tried or considered for promoting positive health outcomes in Lipedema and Lymphedema patients? 

2. What are some strategies you have implemented to help to remove or address the barriers to implementing a team-based approach to caring for Lipedema and Lymphedema patients? 

3. How often do you integrate the knowledge and experience of other healthcare providers to make more informed decisions to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of Lipedema and Lymphedema patients?


Q: Are our patients with lymphedema at risk for malnutrition or does it depend on the cause of the lymphedema? (Leah Alyesh, RD) 

A: To date, there is no data showing that individuals with lymphedema are at nutritional risk. However, it is known that they are at risk for cellulitis and skin wounds, so ensuring that their nutritional needs are met can help keep a strong immune system to fight infection and help prevent skin breakdown. 

Jean LaMantia replied on

Q: What is the pathway to diagnosis of Lipedema? Vascular or cardio specialist? (Katherine Barnette, RD)

A: Great question. There are few doctors that specialize in lipedema. Dr Karen Herbst is one of them, but there isn't a fat disorders speciality. The speciality that would be most familiar and more likely to recognize it and not mistake it for obesity would likely be a vascular surgeon. Many lipedema patients have venous issues, so they are more likely to have encountered it. Conversely, women with lipedema experience blood lipid issues and diabetes as a lower rate than that obese women of the same size. Unfortunately, many women can go decades being undiagnosed.

Jean LaMantia replied on

Q: How many grams protein per kg body weight do you recommend for a patient with lymphedema with lymphoma?  (Margaret Jenkins, RD, CDCES)

A: If they have both lymphedema and lymphoma, then I would likely put them in the 1.25g/kg or more range. While lymphoma isn't one of the more hyermetabolic cancers, the treatment is still quite demanding and I would want to try and preserve muscle mass while they go through treatment. 

Jean LaMantia replied on